Sunday, November 19, 2017

Nov 2, 2017

We had a time change during the night, moved one hour forward. It’s in the 80’s with light clouds floating along; barely a breeze. There are birds flocking to the front of the ship, dipping and diving. They look like gulls but are more angular, sleeker than our gulls at home. We spotted several pods of porpoises jumping. It sounds like a gunshot when they hit the water. We could even see them under the water as they swam by. The ocean is blue-blue-blue today.


We attended Richard Munroe’s last lecture, this one on the Panama Canal. Looking forward to this segment. Sounds like it isn’t possible to see it all.

We had a late breakfast/early lunch and then sat by the pool, reading and listening to the Princess Bride. A little brown pigeon strolled by, looking for handouts. It must have come on board while in port as there’s no way this poor thing could have flown in recently. We also spotted two birds which looked like raptors of some sort. They perched on the topmost parts of the ship and circled by many times.

Napped and read and watched the turtles swim by. There were dozens of them, one after another, like patches of algae flotsam swirling past. (From 10 stories up everything looks small)Also, lots of porpoises splashed by and two really big rays cruised past just under the top of the water. In the room, we watched Ghost Busters, the new one, and then went to dinner. It was Formal Night so we watched all the pretty people being posed and turned. Men put their hand in pocket; women lean in with hand on chest. Why people go for this is beyond me.(The view from our spot at the bar had more action).

We had dinner at the Horizon Café, salad and assorted meats, jello and custard dessert. I then crashed and was out; Jim went out to roam and see the movie under the stars – popcorn was served. We had wondered where the popcorn was – it seemed so obvious to have included it and had yet to see any.
 ( A movie under the stars with scattered showers...why not add popcorn?)

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