So I ask you how can we be a nation of "liberties for all" without government or religious intrusions when we are, state by state, giving into both? I submit that there is no place you can turn that the church or the feds have not put their stamp of approval or disapproval.
This crap about not being able to marry the person of your dreams because of the sex of the individuals is just that, CRAP. The feds really have no horse in this race, they don't need one! Why? Your fellow countryMEN spout about the sanctity of "marriage"and how the world will go to hell if the wrong sexes are married!
Here's how I see it:
The whole concept of marriage as a coven is a product of the church, which church is not important as they all are pretty much interchangeable, and as such should have no affect on who the feds allow to marry! So instead of making a decision they put it to a vote and allow the homo-phoebes and religious zealots to make the decision for everybody. Is this a great country or what?
Perhaps it's time to take another look at this whole church and state thing.
Now that we have men wedding only women and women wedding only men the divorce rate is nill, right? Not even close. But wait doesn't the church say "till death do us part" or something like that, then how is it that divorce is still so rampant? Well I guess our fellow countryMEN kinda-pick and choose "their" options.
Women, bless their souls, have been putting up with the decisions made by our fellow countryMEN for , well for ever! Think about this for a second.The big push right now by our countryMEN is to not cover birth control pills for women, they say it cost too much money. Maybe it's a "new math" thing but it seems to me that pre and post natal care, well baby visits and the like are a whole lot more money than a bunch of pills! So just who do you think is behind this rationale? "Could it be SATAN?" No I think it's just your friendly neighborhood church looking out for us! Thank god for that, lord only knows what would happen if you gave women an option of weather they got pregnant or not. That would only lead to promiscuity and rampant sex! If god wants you to have a baby then "by god" you will! Never mind that our countrMEN have usurped gods will of impudence. Somehow Viagra or what ever boner pill it is, is not only condoned but COVERED UNDER INSURANCE!
How long will it be, do you think, until our countryMEN figure out that there are more women in this country than there are men? (Though not in the church) For that matter what about the women, how long will they keep laying down for unjust rules? Regardless of who or whom makes these rules, be it the feds or their boss "the church" a bad law is and always will be a bad law.
As a straight, married, 50+'ish male, I don't really have a horse in this race either. It just pisses me off to see the crap being thrown at American citizens by their government, all in the name of what is "right". Is this a great country or what?
I just got back from a trip to another country. It is called Mississippi, I can tell you that the church is very hard at work down there protecting it's people, they call them "the flock" hmm I just can't imagine why. There are still "dry" counties where NO alcohol is sold or served by order of "?". Would that be the church or the state? I have talked to folks living under this rule and to a man they say even though everyone says they voted for the abolishment of the dry rule it always looses. Does the fact that the polling places are, and counting is done, in the churches mean anything? In other places that are not "dry" they don't sell beer until noon on Sunday, I wonder why?
I'm getting depressed over all this so TTFN, Toons
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