Thursday, March 15, 2012

A New Look

Welcome to Local Graffiti. From this little hole in the web I will try to interject some new and interesting ideas into the mix. Some may find the ideas inane and some will scratch their heads and think "Dang, he just might be right", such is the way of graffiti.
When some people see graffiti they see art, and there are some who see "an unauthorized writing on a public surface" and then there will always be some who don't see anything at all.
The real problem with graffiti seems to be location and to this I agree, if the property isn't yours you should not draw on it! This should have been taught to you by your folks when you took the Crayon to the dinning-room wall!
Putting aside location for a minute graffiti IS an ART FORM, just like that big red dot in the frame in the museum. Art is supposed to make a person think and/or react while doing nothing but exist. Graffiti most certainly does that.
That is my goal with this page. To make someone think and/or react to some idea in a way that maybe they hadn't done before. My hope is that some fruitful discussions may come from this and maybe the light of reason will shine just a little bit brighter for those of us who can see the writing on the wall...

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