Monday, December 4, 2017

Sunday, Nov 26, 2017

We are home. We left Paso Robles a little after 8am, ran into very little traffic, and made it home before 1pm. For the first time in ages, there was no slow-down in the Novato Narrows; truly a sign home was waiting for us.

Final mileage for the car was 5150 miles. Princess was 3-4000 miles. We were 30 days on the trip. Two weeks of sitting in a car erased any gains made on the boat with taking ALL THOSE STAIRS but my weight is exactly the same as when we left.

We went through 6 countries; Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, and Aruba;  and 19 states: FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, DC, MD, WV, KY, MO, TN, AR, OK, TX, NM, AZ, UT, NV, and finally CA.  

Temperatures ranged from 90-100 degrees with 90+% humidity in Nicaragua to 31 degrees and snow in KY. There was rain on board ship, usually at night, but no rain in the US until today, on the last drive home. 

All three cats were delighted to see us and sticky with their attentions. The house is a little damp (open window and rainy days) and in need of vacuuming (cats!) but all-in-all our caretakers did an excellent job – couldn’t have done it without them. We picked up some groceries, washed the sheets, unpacked and settled back in.

Like Dorothy said, “there’s no place like home”.

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